Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

well.. become a fan girl ? hmm why not ?!!

hey all.. anyways, this is my new blog . haha yeah i know its not important for you all. but im sure its really important for me ! haha xD

anyways, being a fan girl ? hmm.. thats fine , isnt it? i am one of them for sure but a lot of people dont like a fan girl , and yeah im fannatic to a lot of singer , actor , actress , and many more , but whats wrong with it ? i mean , there's no something wrong with it its just because the idol is become their inspiration and im sure its really important for them , just like what i feel , i need my idol , they're just like my inspiration !! so they're really important for me..

yeaapp thats all from me , i know thats so short !! haha xD
but i hope you're all will agree with my blog hhaa.. thanks for reading this by the way..

oh yeah , this one is Cody Simpson , he's one of my inspiration ! xD

so thanks everyone , bye! :)

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Dear boys :)

Hey this is my third blog.. So let's start :) hahah Okay.. Dear boys.. I know I know we're a girl is USUALLY use to dish the plates n room. But we're not a useless. We're not your thing , we have something to do mora than just do the dishes for now and for our future. Don't you think the GIRLS r uses just for dishes ! Hahah.. I know we're really good at dishes but yeaa.. We have something to get and do in the future. We're same as you , there is no differences between us ! We're same , we have the same level or standard or something like that.. Hahah.. So don't you think we only use for dishes . We can help you to increase your income , we can help you for our live (if we're marriage) ! :) We can help each other ! We're same , we're human , we're have the same level . So.. Thanks to care to us boys. But we're not a useless! Hahah ;) Okay.. That's all from me ! Byeee.. :)

Read more:http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=476204702&blogId=536166874#ixzz0vC5jsOjN

Best friend or boy friend/girlfriend ??

Heyy all.. This is my new blog.. And now.. I'm gonna tell u what my blog tells about.. This blog is about "love or friendship" I know I know.. These things r really important for our life.. But what is the most important ? Love ? Or friendship ? Let's check in this blog.. + friendship » They always stand beside us whenever we need them » They never leave us alone even thou they're still have another problem + love » We always feel save and enjoy when we stand next to them » They dare to do anything to save us from the incident "That's all about my blog" So.. Choose one ! "Love or friendship" ? Haha.. Thank youu Comment ?? :)

Read more:http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=476204702&blogId=536316679#ixzz0vC5Bbeet